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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

What does MEGA do?

MEGA automates outbound customer interactions using AI-driven voice bots, streamlining processes such as debt collection and customer service.

How does MEGA integrate with existing systems?

MEGA is designed to seamlessly integrate with your current CRM and ERP systems, ensuring smooth operation without disrupting existing workflows.

Can MEGA handle a large volume of interactions?

Yes, MEGA is designed to scale, efficiently managing from 10 to hundreds of AI-driven bots while handling high interaction volumes.

Which industries can benefit from MEGA?

MEGA is ideal for industries like financial services, telecommunications, retail, and utilities, particularly those with large customer bases and complex engagement needs.

How can MEGA improve my debt collection process?

MEGA is ideal for industries. By automating initial contact, reminders, and follow-ups, MEGA significantly reduces the manual effort involved in debt collection, leading to higher efficiency and lower costs. like financial services, telecommunications, retail, and utilities, particularly those with large customer bases and complex engagement needs.
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